Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where Is Miss Frizzle When You Need Her?

Malo e lelei! So lizards are pretty much the norm in Tonga. We had seen a few lurking about the restaurant, which is open air. Nicole of course freaked, but Mary and I didn’t think too much of it until Monday night. We were just hanging out in our fale, and I happened to look up at the ceiling to find a lizard chillin out by the light. I screamed, then Nicole looked up and screamed bloody murder. Mary couldn’t see the lizard from where she was, but she wasn’t too concerned. Nicole is having a heart attack and is trying to figure out what to do about it, but there isn’t much we can do. It is too high to reach, and even if we did get it down then what? I don’t think they’re the easiest things to catch as they can move pretty fast. Its already around midnight, which is too late to go find Sven, and he’ll probably just tell us there’s nothing he can do about it. So we decide to just keep an eye on Liz (yes we named her).

Nicole for whatever reason decides to look behind her bed. She might have been looking for more lizards. Well she didn’t find a lizard, but she did find a gigantic spider. So I move the bed to get to it, turn around, and find Mary in a ball hiding under her comforter. Apparently spiders freak her out, but lizards she’s totally cool with. So I kill the spider, we move the bed back, and we all look up to see if Liz has moved, and she is now nowhere to be seen. Shit. So we start looking around the room. Our ceiling is covered in beams, and it was hard to see if she was hiding on one of them. We even go the flashlight out to get a better look. Now we’re really starting to freak out a little bit. None of us wanted to wake up with Liz in our bed. We all closed our suitcases as a precaution as well. Sure as hell didn’t want to have her jump out of our suitcase when we got back home. At this point, Nicole is running around the room yelling “Liz! Liz! Are you in here?”. Like the damn lizard was really going to respond.

Somewhere in the midst of her search she froze and then freaked out a little bit. We had this weird crease where the wall and ceiling met, and just above that was a huge black bug. Mary instantly retreated into her ball under her covers, while I jumped on the bed to get a better look at the bug. It had a super hard exoskeleton, and was hard to kill. I kept whacking it with my shoe, and it kept moving further into the crease. Nicole decided to take her turn at hitting it, and we finally decided it was dead. And then there was this horrible stench that filled the room. We’re assuming it came from the bug. At some point in the bug killing, Nicole literally got the shit scared out of her and went running to the bathroom.

There were no more scary bugs that night, but we had killed quite a few moths throughout the night. Nicole had no problem killing the moths, but was too lazy to do anything with them once they were dead. So we had quite a moths lying around in between our beds. Well, when we woke up the morning they were no longer there. So we assume Liz was crawling around during the night and came and ate them all. We also slept with the bathroom light on that night because we were all too scared to sleep in the dark. We were also hoping that Liz would migrate towards that light. She didn’t. And we never saw her again.

The next night we were all in sound sleep when all three of us woke up at the same time to this crazy loud cat like noise. I immediately said, “What the fuck was that?”. It continued to make noises, and it sounded like it was coming from right outside our fale. I thought it was some large weird animal only found in Tonga that was hiding in the woods. Nicole asked if I would go look to see what it was. Part of me wanted to see it, but part of me was too scared that it was going to see me look out the window and come charging at our fale. So I stayed in bed. The noise continued for quite a while. I fell back asleep, but Mary said there was a moaning sound later that continued for a good half hour forty-five minutes. The next morning we asked Sven and his wife what the noise could have been. You want to know what they said? Cats. Just  plain old cats. Apparently the neighbors have cats, and sometimes the males chase the females and they get pissed. I got the crap scared out of me by a stupid cat (but not literally this time). Until next time...

Malo e lelei,

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